Wednesday, May 24, 2006
What is a meaning of SIDDHI?
SIDDHI, GIFTS OF SPIRIT: Miraculous, occult, or "supernatural" powers that may come to a seeker along the way, either spontaneously or intentionally (by following specific practices). Among such powers are various forms of ESP (extrasensory perception), such as mind-reading and clairvoyance, as well as healing, levitation, teleportation, prophesy, and so on.
However wondrous they may seem (and they are all of that!), all of these pertain to the so-called natural world. Thus, for those reaching beyond the limitations of that perspective, these powers can be confusing and distracting. Most Teachers seem to agree they are not to be sought after, and they are not a measure of Realization (thus the saying, "All saints are healers, but not all healers are saints."). And so, if/when they appear, we are urged to welcome them, be grateful, and walk on. In the Christian tradition, such powers are referred to as "gifts of the Spirit" (see 1 Corinthians 12, 13, & 14, Romans 12:6, and others).
However wondrous they may seem (and they are all of that!), all of these pertain to the so-called natural world. Thus, for those reaching beyond the limitations of that perspective, these powers can be confusing and distracting. Most Teachers seem to agree they are not to be sought after, and they are not a measure of Realization (thus the saying, "All saints are healers, but not all healers are saints."). And so, if/when they appear, we are urged to welcome them, be grateful, and walk on. In the Christian tradition, such powers are referred to as "gifts of the Spirit" (see 1 Corinthians 12, 13, & 14, Romans 12:6, and others).